Resilient Living LLC

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Elevate Your Legacy: Prioritizing Wellness for Intergenerational Impact

You are a legacy builder.  Whether intentional or not your impact is intergenerational.  In these letters I’d like to speak to those of you conscious and intentional about your ripple effects.

You are the ones who are committed to building a better now and future for generations to come. Your work is vital and greatly appreciated. Although at times, you may also feel the weight of the world on your shoulders.

This letter is a reminder, you must come first. Without your well-being, vibrancy, energy & zest for life, the work you do cannot be done with excellence. Release the martyrdom, release the savior complex. Give yourself permission to be a priority.  Allow yourself the time to rest and recharge, your true legacy depends on it.

I have worked with clients whose life looks great on paper. They have the house, the spouse, the money, the purpose work but did not feel fulfilled.  Arrested by anxiety, stretched thin by stress, physical health on the back burner and/or rocky relationships.  This is not the legacy they were called to create, live or leave behind. I don’t believe this is meant to be a part of your legacy either.

We fully live our legacy when we allow ourselves to be a vital part of the equation. This way there is congruence between what you want to build and what you actually experience.  There is oneness between what people see and how you feel inside.  May our legacy include health and wellness.  May we teach ourselves and generations to come that we can thrive & do great work. May we realize that killing ourselves in the process is counterproductive.

This is a kind reminder to encourage yourself, acknowledge the power of the work you do and extend yourself grace.  (A perk is that this also subtly teaches those around you what the new standards and rules of engagement are.)

May you live your legacy in wellness and intention. It is my honor to stand beside you as we make the world a better place.